Ticinum Aerospace awarded a Gold Medal
23 Dicembre 2014
Ticinum Aerospace will help with the GR4S Summer School
17 Aprile 2015
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Happy Birthday, TA!

Today, the 20th of February, Ticinum Aerospace celebrates its first birthday. We as a start-up were indeed born on the same day on 2014. Looking back to our -still short- life, we can’t be but satisfied: not only we got more contracts than expected, we were involved in educational activities (Summer School and beyond), we won a Gold Medal as an Innovative Startup … ; we achieved more than all that: we entered the tough yet fascinating world of tech startups, and we are quickly learning how to live and bloom in it. So far, so good – and confidently going for new goals!

Happy Birthday, Ticinum! Cheers, everyone!